Photoshop :: Clone Stamp Selection Failure In CS6?.
Photoshop Elements :: How To Use The Clone Stamp. Photoshop :: Irritating Clone Stamp In CS4. Photoshop :: Clone Stamp Not Working In CS6. Photoshop :: CC Clone Stamp Not Working. Lightroom :: V5 Clone Tool - Does Not Select Area To Clone From. Photoshop Elements :: Change From Clone Pattern To Clone Stamp?. Paint.NET :: Clone Stamp Multiple Times (without Going Back To Original Area). Photoshop Elements :: Clone Stamp Making Bright Area Dark Instead Of Like Source. Photoshop :: Clone Stamp Selected Area Extends Out To Edges Of Grey Outline?. Photoshop :: C6 / Clone Tool Stamp Will Not Paint From Sample Area. Photoshop Elements :: Could Not Use Clone Stamp Tool Because Area To Clone Has Not Been Defined. My alt key is working, ctrl-alt-del says so. I've tried resetting the tool, I've tried several different files, it just refuses to let me select a source. I AM selecting the proper layer on the side! I don't get it, why isn't this working? I've also noticed that I can't select part of the photo with the lasso tool either. It doesn't work! I don't get my little plus thing.
I wanted to remove a tumb that caught the corner of the lense in a shot with the clone tool, so I choose my clone tool, select a copy of the background layer, and press alt to select my source. Photoshop :: Could Not Use Clone Stamp Because Area Is Not Define Jul 2, 2013